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Foreclosure Mediation in Nevada

In 2009, after the national banking system destroyed the real estate market in Nevada, Nevada's legislature stepped in and forced lenders to sit down with homeowners before foreclosing on their homes in order to explore modifications and other options to avoid foreclosure. The foreclosure mediation programs is a homeowner's most important and effective tool in avoiding foreclosure and saving their home. However, the foreclosure mediation rules and requirements (which can be found online at are lengthy and can be confusing to homeowners. Similarly, a homeowner might not realize when their lender or loan servicer has failed to meet the requirements of the program. Generally, you are only going to get one chance to get it right, and one chance to force your lender to comply with their obligations under the law. Nevada's Lawyers have participated in over 700 foreclosure mediations, and can assist homeowners in navigating the process. We will make sure your lender is not permitted to foreclose until they have complied with every requirement of Nevada law, and given you a full and fair opportunity to seek modifications, principal reductions, and other assistance. Homeowners only have 30 days from receipt of a Notice of Default to request mediation - its important you contact our offices as soon as you receive a Notice of Default for a free consultation for mediation assistance. You don't have to fight alone - get the lawyers who have been there before.

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